As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s freedom, join us in supporting independence right here in our community!

How do Hart Felt’s programs promote independent living? 

  • We build wheelchair ramps so that seniors can get in and out of their homes 

  • We have a transportation program that takes clients to doctors’ appointments and to the grocery store 

  • We pair seniors with a volunteer who visits them and helps with household tasks 

  • We help keep the lights on with emergency financial assistance  

In the spirit of freedom, donate today to help seniors retain their independence!

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Meet Ms. Thelma

“I always took care of myself since I was 14 years old,” Ms. Thelma said. “I used to pride myself on saying nobody’s given me a dime since I was 14.” But like many of our own parents, grandparents, relatives or friends who need help as they age, Ms. Thelma realized she needed assistance to continue living independently.

One way Hart Felt Ministries has helped Ms. Thelma age in place is by building a wheelchair ramp at her home. She now has the luxury that many of us take for granted…being able to come and go safely. Without wheelchair ramps, many seniors find themselves homebound, which both limits independence and leads to social isolation. Hart Felt Ministries partners with volunteer licensed contractors and builders to construct wheelchair ramps built to City code at NO COST to our clients.

Meet Ms. Janet

The Transportation Program supports our mission to help seniors age in place. Without the ability to get to doctors’ appointments and to the grocery store, seniors may enter long-term care prematurely. With a little help, they can retain their independence!

Ms. Janet is one of our Transportation Program clients. She is 87 years old and is no longer able to drive due to macular degeneration. When we asked her for her thoughts on the Transportation Program, she said, "…When I found out about the program it was right after my husband passed away. I don't know what I would've done because I was all alone and taxis are so expensive. This is an absolute Godsend to me. All of the drivers are excellent and they all go out of their way to help. The extra van has helped me a lot because the drivers were so busy before, I was afraid I wouldn't get to my appointment. I can't thank you enough for your organization and I thank God that I have people to take me."

Meet Mr. John

Mr. John loves his home, but over the years he has struggled with maintaining his large yard, especially after suffering a fall. We have supported Mr. John by organizing yard clean ups on his behalf. Yard clean ups make great group projects for corporate or church serve days, or for families!

The Garrison Family served at Mr. John’s home most recently. As you can see by the picture, even the kids were able to get in on the action! We love to see generational serving.

As impactful as it is for children to learn the importance of caring for elders, in Mr. John’s case, he is also a veteran who served our country. What a blessing it is to have the honor of giving back to a veteran who has made so many sacrifices for our nation’s freedom.

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